Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"Dexter" - "Get Gellar"

Dexter finally gets Professor Gellar's student, Travis, to trust him in order to find Gellar and kill him before Miami Metro catches on and arrests him. Dexter takes Travis to a hotel so he can have a safe place to stay without worrying about Gellar coming after him. While Dexter is away, another murder takes place and it is clearly the work of the Doomsday Killer (Prof. Gellar) since it continues with the theme of the Book of Revelations. Miami Metro goes to the crime scene where another professor's dead body is lying on a table with his abdomen hollowed out. They are expecting this murder to include symbolism that leads to the Bowls of Wrath, but at first glance they don’t really see a connection. Then someone moves the professor’s arm when they notice that his hand has been chopped off and several bowls filled with blood are triggered to spill blood down on the heads of everyone standing under them. Dexter gets a call from Travis telling him to come to the abandoned church after we see a note written in blood on Travis’ hotel bathroom that tells him to bring the “false prophet” to the church. Dexter goes to the church and finds Travis unconscious lying on the ground. Dexter wanders around the church and ends up in the basement. Dexter looks around the room and finally finds a large freezer in the corner. When he opens it, Gellar’s frozen body is inside and has been in there for a long time, so we know that Travis has been doing the killings himself and has been acting as if Gellar is alive. I definitely did not expect this and it caught me off guard. This twist reminded me of the movie “Psycho” by Alfred Hitchcock and to me it was one of the better episodes this season.

"Glee" - "Mash Off"

This episode of "Glee," begins with the New Directions and the Trouble Tones preparing to compete in a mash off suggested by Mr. Shue. Puck, with Blaine and Mike in the background, performs a version of “Hot for Teacher” by Van Halen to express his love for Shelby,a who is a teacher and also Rachel’s mom. Shelby and Mr. Shue sing “You and I” by Lady Gaga. Without Lady Gaga’s crazy antics and theatrics, as seen in the music video, the song seems so mellow and  you are able to pay attention to the melody which would normally be overshadowed if you’re actually watching Gaga perform it herself. In the first mash off, the New Directions sing a mix of “I Can’t Go for That” and “You Make My Dreams Come True” by Hall and Oates. This is a good mash up, but for a competition with another group, they should have made better song choices. The songs mesh well together but the dance routine along with the Daryl Hall and John Oates costumes (mustache included) make the performance kind of cheesy overall. The final mash up performed by the Trouble Tones, with Mercedes and Santana singing lead, was the best from this episode and maybe even the whole series. They sing a mix of two of Adele’s songs from her second album “21,” which were “Rumor Has It” and “Someone Like You.” Anytime Mercedes and Santana sing together, they always do a great job and are very enjoyable to watch, but I must say that this was my favorite performance from them together. Immediately after the awesome performance, Santana jumps off the stage and slaps the crap out of Finn for outing her as a lesbian to everyone and the screen cuts to black. “Mash Off” is a really good episode and it really makes you want to see what happens next.

Super Pudding Radio Commercial

Sunday, November 20, 2011

"Glee" - "The First Time"

In “The First Time,” McKinley High is putting on a school play, “West Side Story.” Artie finds his calling, which is bossing people around,which is also know as directing, as he puts it. He pressures the two leads in the play, Rachel and Blaine, to go out and experience deeper relationships with their significant others because they won’t be able to convey real emotions to the audience if they have not experienced these emotions in real life. Blaine visits his old school and walks into a Warblers rendition of “Uptown Girl” by Billy Joel. This is where he meets Sebastian, a new student who clearly likes him. Kurt sees Blaine and Sebastian chatting and feels threatened, but accepts Sebastian’s invitation to Scandalous, a gay bar. Kurt sees Karrovsky here. He has transferred to a new school, but is doing fine. Mike Chang’s father overhears Mike and his mother talking about Mike following his heart and continuing to dance even though his father told him that he has to quit. They decided to keep Mike’s dancing a secret and not tell Mike’s father not knowing that he heard everything. Mike’s father comes to McKinley and tells Mike that he must quit or he won’t have a son, so Mike says “I guess I don’t have a father anymore” and that’s the last we see of them for this episode. McKinley High premieres its first performance of “West Side Story” and it’s a success. In one scene, the cast sings “America” from the play with horrible “Puerto Rican” accents, but the singing is great as always.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dexter, "Just Let Go" and "Nebraska"

In this episode of "Just Let Go" Dexter's friend Brother Sam, the ex-con turned minister, is shot in his auto shop by a hooded man and ends in the hospital in critical condition. Dexter watches the surveillance video and notices that Brother Sam's dog, who normal barks loudly when he sees someone he doesn't recognize, doesn't budge. Dexter knows that the only other person who can quiet the dog is a kid that Brother Sam decided to take under his wing. Dexter gets a chance to speak to Brother Sam just before Brother Sam dies and he reveals to Brother Sam who shot him. Brother Sam tells Dexter to forgive the kid. Dexter finds the kid and decides to spare his life and tell him that Brother Sam forgives him. Unfortunately, the kid laughs in Dexter's face and taunts Dexter saying that the police won't find out who killed Brother Sam. This angers Dexter which causes him to tackle the kid into the water and drown him in the very same water in which Brother Sam baptised him. The professor and his student continue to carry out their killings inspired by the book of Revelations, but the student begins to have doubts about whether the murders that they are committing are right and he even lets one of the victims go.

In "Nebraska," there is another set of killings that mirror the murders committed by the Trinity Killer, played by John Lithgow, and the Trinity Killer's own wife and daughter happen to be the victims. The department thinks that Trinity is back, but the only problem is that Dexter actually killed Trinity himself. Dexter suspects that Trinity's son is to blame and goes to Nebraska to find him, using the death of Brother Sam as an excuse to take time off from work. Trinity's son lies to Dexter and makes up some bogus story about how he saw his dad kill his mother and sister and how he had to fight his dad off. Dexter tells him that he knows Trinity did not kill them and Trinity's son realizes that Dexter is the one who killed his father and escapes out of the front. Dexter has no choice but to kill him and chases him down. He finally admits to Dexter why he killed his mother and sister and Dexter surprisingly lets him live.

Also, in these episodes, Dexter's brother, Brian, who is dead and was also a serial killer, now appears in Dexter's head and Dexter communicates with him as he does with his dead father. We're are so used to always seeing Dexter talk to his father and after five seasons have gone by, we see it shift to another person, so this adds a very interesting element.